I attest the information provided is correct and I understand that filing documents containing false information with the government is illegal. (RIGL 11-18-1). | |
I understand that my income will be verified and must match what is reported in this application in order for child enrollment to be completed. | |
I commit to my child’s regular participation in the RI Pre-K program and will adhere to the program’s times for the start and end of the classroom times. | |
I understand that I am responsible for providing transportation to and from the program. | |
I understand only some programs offer on-site before and after-school services and there may be a fee for participating in those services. | |
I understand that attendance is a priority and commit to my child’s ongoing and regular attendance. | |
I understand if my child is absent for unexcused reasons (vacations, unexcused sick days) for 20 or more school days, my child may lose their RI Pre-K seat. | |
I understand that upon enrollment, I am committing to sharing information and data with the local school department, the RI Department of Education and the RI Department of Human Services when appropriate. | |
I understand that my child will participate in a Child Outreach Screening as a participant in a RI Pre-K classroom. | |
I confirm that I can be reached at the phone number and email listed in this application if my child is chosen by lottery to participate in the RI Pre-K program. |