15-16 Program Completers (21) |
RI Newly Hired |
1st Hired in 16-17 |
Retained in 17-18 |
Retained in 18-19 |
1st Hired in 16-17 |
Retained in 17-18 |
Retained in 18-19 |
1st Hired in 17-18 |
Retained in 18-19 |
1st Hired in 17-18 |
Retained in 18-19 |
N/A |
N/A |
1st Hired in 18-19 |
1st Hired in 18-19 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
[How is RI employment data reported?] RI employment data is reported at the LEA level. All LEAs are expected to maintain live and accurate personnel assignment information. The Office of Educator Quality monitors LEA reporting and utilizes that data for federal reporting requirements and to ensure certified educators are serving in valid assignments.
[What are the criteria for hiring and retention in Rhode Island?] LEAs establish their own hiring and retention criteria.
[How are we defining 1st hired?] 1st hired counts the total number of program completers hired by an LEA using the certificate that the provider reported that individual earning.
[How are we defining retained?] Retained is defined as in-state retention (which does not necessarily mean the completer stayed within the same school or district). Retention totals include 15-16 program completers working in an assignment that matches their 15-16 program completion certificate area.
For example, a 15-16 program completer that worked as an elementary educator in 16-17 and 17-18 would be considered retained in the 17-18 school year.
[How are we defining “RI Newly Hired”?] RI Newly Hired totals include only educators that have no reported work experience in RI public schools prior to the indicated school year. The RI Newly Hired data for this index also excludes this providers’ completers. RI Newly Hired data is included to provide a general picture of hiring in RI.
Hiring & Retention Details
- Click for more data
RI HIRING & RETENTION: Completers Working within 1 School Year
[How are we defining ‘working in certificate area’?] Educators included in this category are reported in an assignment that requires the certificate that they were just prepared for.
[How are we defining ‘working as a long term substitute’?] Educators included in this category are reported in an assignment designated by the LEA as a Long Term Substitute.
[How are we defining ‘working in a different certificate area’?] Educators included in this category are reported in an assignment that requires a certificate that is different than the one they were recently prepared for.
RI HIRING & RETENTION: 18-19 Employment By Certificate Area (15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 Completers)
[Who is included in the 18-19 Employment By Certificate Area (15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 Completers)?] This table includes the 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 completers working in an assignment during the 18-19 school year that matches the certificate area that they were recently prepared for.
RI HIRING & RETENTION: 18-19 Employment By LEA (15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 Completers) and RI Newly Hired Educators
[What are criteria for hiring and retention in
Rhode Island?] School districts establish their own local hiring and
retention criteria.
[How are you defining Newly Hired in each LEA?] Newly Hired totals
include only educators that have no reported work experience in Rhode Island
public schools prior to the indicated school year. Newly Hired means that the
individual was both new to the state and new to the LEA indicated.
[Which completers are included in the 18-19 LEA (15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 Completers) employment data?] 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 program completers are included in the 18-19 LEA employment data.
RI HIRING & RETENTION: 15-16 Completer Retention by Certificate Area and RI Newly Hired Educators
[How are we defining 1st hired?] 1st hired counts the total number of program completers hired by an LEA using the certificate that the provider reported that individual earning. For example, an elementary educator that was reported by a provider as completing a program as part of the 15-16 program completer cohort, and who was also hired as an elementary educator in a RI LEA for the 16-17 school year would be counted within the “Employed in RI during the 16-17 school year” as “1st Hired”.
[How are we defining retained?] Retained is defined as in-state retention (which does not necessarily mean the completer stayed within the same school or district). Retention totals include 15-16 program completers working in an assignment that matches their 15-16 program completion certificate area. For example, a 15-16 program completer that worked as an elementary educator in 16-17 and 17-18 would be considered retained in the 17-18 school year.
[How are we defining “RI Newly Hired”?] RI Newly Hired totals include only educators that have no reported work experience in RI public schools prior to the indicated school year. The RI Newly Hired data for this index also excludes this providers’ completers.
[Why are RI Newly Hired included as comparison data?] RI Newly Hired data is included to provide a general picture of hiring in RI.
Final Effectiveness Ratings
* Due to the cyclical process for educator evaluation, this distribution of ratings may not be representative of all educators in Rhode Island.
[How is Educator Final Effectiveness Rating data reported?] Districts are responsible for evaluating and reporting evaluation data to RIDE.
[Who is included in the educator effectiveness data?] Teacher completers include program completers working in an assignment that matches the certificate that their provider reported them earning. Admin completers include program completers working in an assignment that matches their administrator program. All RI Teachers and All RI Admin include all other educators evaluated in the 2018-19 school year. Due to the cyclical process, not all teachers are required to be evaluated annually. For more details about the cyclical process, see Section 1, Question 1 of http://www.ride.ri.gov/Portals/0/Uploads/Documents/Teachers-and-Administrators-Excellent-Educators/Educator-Evaluation/RI-Model-FAQs-and-Guidance/FAQ_2016_FINAL.pdf.
[What do the Final Effectiveness Ratings mean?] Definitions and more information about evaluation are available at https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorEvaluation.aspx.
[Why are some preparation programs missing this information?] Final Effectiveness Ratings are not displayed for providers where there are fewer than ten completers with a Final Effectiveness Rating.